SHURE "556B" Series Broadcast "Unidyne" Microphone (Super Cardioid Uni-directional Moving-Coil Dynamic)
SHURE "556B" Series Broadcast "Unidyne" Microphone (Super Cardioid Uni-directional Moving-Coil Dynamic)
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GENERAL: Models 556A, 556B, and 556C are SuperCardioid type unidirectional moving-coil dynamic microphones providing wide-range high quality reproduction of sound. The true unidirectional characteristic of the "Unidyne", obtained by the "uniphase" principle provides highly satisfactory operation under adverse acoustic conditions where a conventional microphone would be practically useless. (See "Acoustic Considerations"). The microphone has a New Acousto-Mechanical circuit containing a moving-coil element, which operating in conjunction with a high flux magnet provides high efficiency and smooth peak free response from 40 to 10,000 cycles. The rear response is down approximately 15 db due to the "uniphase" unidirectional acoustic network. The new moving-coil unit is provided with a double wind-screen to permit quiet out-door operation, As a precaution against-mechanical vibration pickup, the unit is spring-suspended inside the microphone case, which is in turn floated in live rubber in the stand connector. The case is modern in design with attractive streamlining and grille treatment, and is provided with a swivel that allows the microphone to be aimed at the source of sound for best pickup. An eighteen inch length of two conductor shielded cable is provided for attachment of any type plug the user may desire. This cable is held by screw terminals in the base of the insolation unit, and may be easily replaced by longer lengths. APPLICATIONS: Models 556A, B, and C are especially constructed and tested to meet the requirements of the broadcast studio, and are held within close tolerances in frequency response and directivity. They may also be used for high-quality recording, public address, and similar applications. The true unidirectional characteristic of the "Unidyne" provides an easy solution to the feedback problem in reverberant locations, facilitates orchestral placement, permits best utilization of space in small broadcast studios, and allows practically complete exclusion of unwanted noises. The swivel allows the head to be tilted through an angle of 90° permitting the microphone to be aimed at the source of sound.